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Seeking Secretary or Treasurer


In our quest to replace our treasurer, our secretary has volunteered to switch positions if we can find a replacement for him as secretary. Feel free to reach out to John if you have questions about the role.

If that is something you could do for the group instead of being the treasurer, please let me know. It would be helpful to vote on this at our Nov. 20 meeting as we will have to file a financial report by 12/31.

What does the Secretary do?

1. File statement of organization listing members and officers (after the presidential primary and whenever there are changes)

2. Use the agenda to write brief notes on what we discussed, list who was there, and record votes. They can be as minimal or meaty as you choose.

3. Participate in the Executive Committee guiding the activities of the committee as a whole. Mostly email discussions, occasional meetings.

Please feel free to email me or call me (978 512 0851 cell or 978 448 0638 - h) with any questions. I am willing to discuss concerns and work arounds of life's issues.

Jen Mieth



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